What to Plant in Order to Deer Proof Your Garden
Deer are beautiful and charming, but they are also constant threat to home gardeners. With the weather getting warmer, and the winter season becoming almost non existent the deer population is on the rise. Deeper can be pleasant and attractive, but the mess they can make of a garden can be terrible. Instead of fighting a losing battle all season long, there are some perennials that can be planted in order to avoid the trouble with deer. The following is a list of deer proof perennials that can make your gardening season much more pleasant.
Allium is a plant that requires full sun and does well in many places. They come in many colors such as blue, purple, yellow, pink, and white. They should be planted in bunches so that they become more noticeable.
Bellflowers range in shades of blue, but they sometimes can be found in white and pink. They require full sun and good drainage. They do well in many places such as rock gardens, borders, and as backgrounds.
Bergamot is a beautiful flower that ranges from dark red to white. They grow best in slight shade or full sun and will do well in most soils. They do not prefer sandy or clay like soils. They flowers last long into fall and winter.
Coneflowers are another lovely perennial that dear are not attracted to. These beautiful purple daisies attract butterflies and bees. They will flower from midsummer until fall. These plants are good in most soils and prefer full sun.
Foxglove is a gorgeous plant that grows in long stalks with dangling bell like flowers. These flowers come in many colors such as blue, purple, white, red, and pink. Foxglove prefers light shade, and does not like extreme wet or dry soil.
Irises are a wonderful flower to grow. Irises range in color from blue to white to purple, and many different color variations can occur. Irises are wonderfully easy to plant because they enjoy most soils and are fine in full sun and shade.
Lilies are another pleasant perennial and come in a variety of colors. Plain white is common for lilies, but they range in many other colors such as blue, purple, pink, red, yellow, and orange. Lilies enjoy full sun and well drained soil.
Ornamental Poppy is a beautiful flower that varies in color from scarlet to blue and white. These flowers are unique because of the black spot on the inside of the flowers. They like to grow in sunny spots and are easy to care for because they do not need a lot of water.
There are many choices one can make in order to prevent deer from destroying their gardens. There are many products that are meant to help keep deer away, but the best method for deer proofing is to plant things that they do not want to eat. This list will help any gardener avoid the pitfalls of having deer as neighbors.
Originally published at http://sarahganly.blogspot.com.