Effective Tips for Classroom Management, Organization, and Planning
Being a teacher can be very rewarding, but it also takes a lot of work, time and consideration on the part of a teacher. Organization, planning, and time management hold an imperative role in managing a classroom. Students must be constantly monitored in order to make sure they are progressing; it is also important to monitor students to make sure that they are learning, and to help avoid disruption or off task behavior. Problems do occur in classrooms, and they must be anticipated and handled correctly. There are many things a teacher must take into consideration, and teaching can be a great job, but there is a lot of work involved as well.
In order to effectively manage my classroom I will have to have effective expectations, strongly organized procedures, and I must be able to utilize my resources and have good time management strategies. As a teacher of early childhood children it is important to provide a lot of work in the classroom; it is also important to provide involvement of the students. These procedures will help keep the children focused and enthusiastic in the classroom. As an elementary school teacher it is important to set rules and standards in the classroom during the first few weeks of classes (Lemlech, 2006). These rules can be established through socialization in the classroom, and these rules and standards must be specific and concrete so they can be understood and followed correctly. Enthusiasm in a classroom is a very effective way to help conserve time. Enthusiasm and encouragement is important in order to help the children get involved and interested in the lessons.
Another very important way to save time in the classroom is being prepared; having materials and lessons ready before the day begins will help keep a continuous learning environment in the classroom (Lemlech, 2006). It is also important to monitor the students’ progress and abilities in order to make sure they are all grasping the lessons. Group learning is a way of saving time through interaction because students will figure out lessons quicker in a group than they would alone. Another good way to help save time in the classroom is to provide students with immediate feedback. It is important to be organized, prepared, and able to utilize resources in a classroom; this is vital to saving time, keeping the class focused, and having the learning environment be effective.
In order to effectively manage a classroom it is important to have the environment arranged in a way that makes learning easier. As an art teacher my classroom will be completely revolved around art. My classroom layout will involve the students in many ways. First the desks will be in a U shape so that the students can converse with each other, and this way they will be able to see each other when they talk. This also allows me to put a table in the middle of the class for observation drawings, lessons, and motivational displays. I will also have a bookcase for students to research; there are so many different art ideas and styles, and I would like my students to have access to as much information as possible. I will also need cabinets for supplies and racks for large canvases. It is important to incorporated tables for drying artwork. I would like to have three tables that will have different art ideas, projects, and/or styles on them. The tables will give the students ideas for art as well as ideas on how to use different mediums. I have included a small table and two chairs for students looking at the books. I also included a plant because I think it is good to have plants in an artistic environment. I will also have plenty of art prints, pieces, originals, and copies all over the room; these various artworks will provide inspiration for the students, and they will also make the classroom a much nicer, prettier place to be.
It is important to monitor students’ progress especially considering there are all different types of students and classes, and there are many ways to keep the attention of the students in a classroom. When monitoring independent classwork assignments it is imperitive to walk around the classroom, offer encouragement and assistance where needed, and observe the students’ behavior. During independent work it is important to have a signal that will help the students ask for help (Lemlech, 2006). A student could stand up or wait at the teachers desk if the student has a question or problem; this will stop the class from being interrupted, and the students will be able to concentrate. During group work it is important to monitor the class as well because students can become unfocused and not complete the assignments. In order to keep a class focused during group work it is important to use two strategies. These strategies include asking specific students questions that pertain to the lesson and making sure each student in the groups have assigned roles (Lemlech, 2006).
Some classrooms will contain students who are English language learners, and it is very important to monitor their progress. Initially if as a teacher you do not speak the student’s native language that is an obstacle, but it can be helped by the assistance of someone who does speak the student’s language. In order to monitor the progress of an ELL it is also important to ask the student questions to identify if the student understands the content and processes in the class. Homework is also important to monitor when you are teaching an ELL student, and in order to monitor homework a teacher can discuss homework in the beginning of the class (Lemlech, 2006). This is helpful when trying to keep enthusiasm up in the classroom amongst all of the students as well. Discussing the previous homework is also important because it helps to introduce the next lesson while remembering the last lesson. I believe there are many ways that I can keep students engaged in the lessons I plan to create. I think having a lot of different examples of art will help keep the students focused. I also plan on having a computer and a projector in the classroom at all times so I can show students different examples of art. I also plan on having a radio so that we can listen to music as we create. I think that encouraging students will keep them motivated, and letting them express their opinions and have a say in the projects we do is important. There are many ways to monitor a student’s progress in a classroom, and it is vital to monitor students learning in order to be an effective teacher.
In all classrooms problems will sometimes arise, and it is the teacher’s job to not only handle these problems, but to anticipate them as well. Initially I think it is extremely important to have standards and rules set in a classroom from the beginning of the school year. I also think that along with the rules and standards that I require in the classroom it will be important to offer incentives and rewards for students who follow the rules and observe the standards. In contrast to this idea I will also establish punishments for certain behavior (Lemlech, 2006). Even though problems can be anticipated and planned for they still occur, and as a teacher one must be able to handle them. When a problem occurs the student should be reminded of the lesson and the consequences of the actions the student has taken (Lemlech, 2006). If the problem persists the student can be separated from the class and given individual work; the student can also be used to help teach the lesson. If problems still continue or increase the student can be sent to the principal’s office or a parent can be contacted. Students can also be asked to stay for detention, where they can be given extra work and spoken to about the problem. It is important to not only prepare for off task behavior in the classroom, but to pay strong attention to the students’ behavior. If attention is given to the students it will be easier to diffuse problems and get to the root of them.
In order to be an effective teacher one must be very aware of the students, time, and oneself. Teaching takes a lot of time being prepared, and assessing lessons and the performance of the teacher and the students. A teacher must constantly monitor students to make sure there are not problems with learning. A teacher must also anticipate that a classroom may be disrupted at times. Time must be taken to create situations that avoid problems. When problems do arise they must be handled correctly and appropriate action on the teachers part must also be anticipated and taken. A teacher must also constantly assess her ideas, and what she is teaching the students. Advice given must come into consideration along with examples set. Rules must be abided by, and the teacher must also establish respect in a classroom. A teacher’s job is very demanding, but the rewards completely out way the demands.
Lemlech, J.K. (2006). Curriculum and instructional methods for the elementary and middle school. [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-Text]. , : Prentice-Hall/Merrill. Retrieved November 4, 2007, from University of Phoenix, rEsource, Classroom Instruction Web site.
Originally published at http://sarahganly.blogspot.com.